29 November 2013, My first time to New York, I dreamed about visiting this city for a long time, and I am definitely coming back and probably living there for a while.

I am so happy I got into travel hacking, knowing how to travel cheaply helps me not only to compare many places and see which meets my preferences and my personality but also meet new people who have the same purpose in life as me, which is not to  live the life you want until you retire at 60-65 years old, but rather live it while you are young and full of energy.

So here is something that make think about your current situation for at least a week :  if you can’t afford travelling full-time, consider doing something called Mini-retirements as mentioned in this awesome book, The four-hour work week, Tim Ferris makes  you forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan–there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, The 4-Hour Workweek is the blueprint.  I highly encourage everyone to read it because it will introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities.

Thanks to Matt Kepnes and his life changing blog, I’m sure I mentioned this man several times before, I just wish I could inspire people, like he inspired me.

I am so excited to visit Vancouver and Seattle before heading to Asia next January. I will make sure to make the best videos ever 🙂

Some statistics about my last trip  to New York
– One small backpack that even customs got curious as to why I look more like someone going to class rather than travelling to another country.

  • Money Spent: 330$ including :(round trip flight from Montreal, one night stay hostel, food, transportation, hop on hop off bus tour).

  • I’ve Been awake for almost 24H. ( Saturday morning to Sunday morning).

Feel free to ask me  any questions on the comment section.

Until next time.