My most viewed travel related article, Check it out !! 

On this one, I shared moments from my life as well as facts every solo traveler experiences, It  will make you want to take on the road ASAP!

Intro below read the rest on Lifehack:

Solo travel is the best way to break out of your shell and enjoy complete freedom. Solo travelers see the world in a different manner because they experience life from an angle not so many others get to see.

Many people love the idea of traveling the world, yet they never gather up the courage to just go. Because they don’t have friends who share their acute desire to go out and see the world, they exile travel to some other seemingly more appropriate time of their lives. Whenever the prospect of solo travel crosses their mind, however, they can’t help but imagine it as a lonely journey. In fact, they couldn’t be more wrong! Here are 13 awesome facts only solo travelers will understand.

1. They know that it’s never the perfect time to solo travel

Solo travel anytime

The one epiphany that changed the course of my life is realizing that if I don’t go now, I probably never will. Circumstances will always be in the way, there will always be bills to be paid, there will never be enough money or enough planning done. There will always be just enough excuses stopping me from doing what I most desire in this life, which is a world trip.


Read the rest of “13 Things Only Solo Travelers Will Understand” – a Travelerlegacy original post on Lifehack.