Wise Words From Jim Rohn

A 12 min excerpt from a 4 hour Speech from Jim Rohn that may change your life. “Don’t seek Security, Seek Adventure” ” it’s not important how long you live, it’s important how you live”  

Dream big and set unrealistic goals

   In the last four years I went through huge changes in my life, only because I was introduced to this Idea about having big dreams, early in my life, and how they shape your future without even realizing it. At 18 years old I decided to leave Morocco and go study in Canada and…

Why winning the lottery is not the answer ?

Imagine playing a game of football with no defense from the opposite team, add that you’ve been training for years to beat anyone that comes in your way.  Now, would you call it scoring a goal that way, If anything I bet it would probably only make you angrier. OK, compare that with actually winning…