Not a long time ago I stumbled upon a post named What’s on Your Bucket List?, which I honestly had no clue what was it about, thanks to my curiosity I got to discover how awesome it is to create a list of what you want to do in your life before you die.

Next day, I was at my office, I started writing down some random stuff on my list, when something weird happened , I stopped at the sixth or the seventh thing listed, because I just realized there is not much time to experience everything I always wanted to do.

It hit me really hard, I even told a friend who happens to be a life coach about it , and his words were : “Act now, don’t wait”.

I also wanted to focus your attention to how a normal preset life routine ( get a degree, then get a 9-5 job) can be time-consuming and how it can prevent you from achieving your goals and your dreams.

live do not exist

so here goes my own bucketlist, I will try to update it as soon as I can:

to learn english

to road trip across the us with my twin

To travel around the world (20 countries so far)

To learn spanish (Beginner)

To learn italian

To learn Japanese

To jetski

To watch a FC Barcelona game (updated May 2023)

To skydive

To learn to skydive

To learn guitar (Started)

To learn piano

To base jump

To learn surfing

To scuba dive (Thailand 2014)

To wingsuit fly

To learn to sail

To pilot a jet

To bungee jump

To drive a race bike

To be an extra at a movie or a show

To invent something

To ride an air balloon

To gun shoot

To drive a Ford GT

To be continued…