Dream big and set unrealistic goals

   In the last four years I went through huge changes in my life, only because I was introduced to this Idea about having big dreams, early in my life, and how they shape your future without even realizing it. At 18 years old I decided to leave Morocco and go study in Canada and…

Why winning the lottery is not the answer ?

Imagine playing a game of football with no defense from the opposite team, add that you’ve been training for years to beat anyone that comes in your way.  Now, would you call it scoring a goal that way, If anything I bet it would probably only make you angrier. OK, compare that with actually winning…

Addicted to taking risks

I did it, I finally pulled myself up from my office chair, and headed to my boss to tell him I am quitting. After staying up late last Sunday until 2 am, it’s  Monday morning and somehow my alarm decided to play hide and seek with me, However, routine managed to wake me up, an hour…

New york for a weekend

29 November 2013, My first time to New York, I dreamed about visiting this city for a long time, and I am definitely coming back and probably living there for a while. I am so happy I got into travel hacking, knowing how to travel cheaply helps me not only to compare many places and…

Live don’t exist (My bucket list)

Not a long time ago I stumbled upon a post named What’s on Your Bucket List?, which I honestly had no clue what was it about, thanks to my curiosity I got to discover how awesome it is to create a list of what you want to do in your life before you die. Next…