Here is my take on change in terms of personal development and how it can get you whatever you want in life.

Admitting and willing to change your current lifestyle is unfortunatley not enough, what really works is building habits, one or two max at a time,

So how to build a new habit that will serve to get your goals accomplished?

  • you frame it as a challenge, or even a game ,  whatever suits you,

  • you  repeat the task daily for 30 days straight , and then you get the prize 🙂

Now here is why this works, psychological studies on this matter have proven that 4 weeks is the minimum time to get any behavior to transist from the conscious to the unconcious mind.

I know its easier said than done but trust me if you want to be the person you dream of , this is the way.

However. there is always people around you, from family to even close friends, that won’t be supportive of your decision towards changing your life’s path. because of the simple reason that no one likes to feel uncomfortable, and by changing and getting out of your comfort zone you are in a way pushing them to so the same.

There is an iphone app called LIFT designed especially to help you track your goals.

Motivation gets you started, HABIT keeps you going  -Jim Rohn

I hope this would help each one of you turn their dreams into realities within 4 weeks !!

For the long run, you might want to create a bucket list for yourself, but more on that on another post because I still didn’t figure out my own.

take risks and be safe.
